Title: Step 1 – Create Spreadsheet
Duration: 8m:38s
Description: This video explains how to create a spreadsheet and how to write test cases so that these testcases can be executed in automated way.
Duration: 8m:38s
Description: This video explains how to create a spreadsheet and how to write test cases so that these testcases can be executed in automated way.
Title: Step 2 – Execute Testcases
Duration: 6m:40s
Description: This video explains how to execute the test cases in TestOptimizer using the spreadsheet created in Step – 1.
Duration: 6m:40s
Description: This video explains how to execute the test cases in TestOptimizer using the spreadsheet created in Step – 1.
Title: Step 3 – Display Results
Duration: 4m:52s
Description: This video explains that how the test reports are generated by TestOptimizer and where to find them.
Duration: 4m:52s
Description: This video explains that how the test reports are generated by TestOptimizer and where to find them.