Programming Language Agnostic
TestOptimizer can automate web applications developed in any language, like, .Net, Java, PHP, C#, Ruby on Rails, etc. and using Content Management Systems (CMS), like, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc. Tool can detect objects, elements, components written in any language and execute testcases in automated way without writing single line of code.

Supports Multi Spreadsheet Format
TestOptimizer supports execution of testcases from various flavour of spreadsheet tools, like, MsOffice, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, which supports .xls, .xlsx, .ods, respectively.

Cross Browser Execution
One needs to test web application on all major browsers and their versions as user may access the application from any browser. It takes many testers and is quite time consuming to check same possibilities (or testcases) on multiple browsers hence TestOptimizer allows to execute the same testcases across all major browsers like Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Ghost and its versions in automated way.

Cross Platform Execution
One needs to test their web application on various operating systems, like, Windows, Linux etc and their versions. One can execute their test suite on major operating systems on various browsers using TestOptimizer.

Supports Sequential and parallel Execution
One needs to execute testcases on all major browsers and operating systems which can be done in sequential and parallel way. Sequential execution means that TestOptimizer picks one browser first and runs all testcases and than picks another browser and likewise while Parallel execution allows testcases to be executed on multiple browsers same time hence reduces overall time of testing.

Testcases or Test Suite Management
TestOptimizer provides flexibilty to mainitain testcases in folder structure based on module or components or any user defined way for one or multiple Systems under test. One can store testcases files in a repository and execute it from there. Tool allows to choose testcases to execute at the runtime with 1-2 clicks.

Capture Screenshots of Every Testcase
TestOptimizer takes screenshot of each and every actions performed at the time of testcase execution. It also highlights the reason of failures in the screenshots. The screenshots are organized in a user-friendly way and they help to debug the failure reasons quickly.

Consolidated Email Report
TestOptimizer supports provision for sending Consolidated test execution reports in HTML format to one or more recipients. This report includes Testcases status (Pass/Fail/Skip/Block) on a particular operating system and browser and its versions. It helps in understanding the health of the application and decide/allocate tasks accordingly.

Exception handling
TestOptimizer provides error summary with reason of failure for the steps where it failed. It also provide flexibility to tester to select between various logging modes like, INFO or DEBUG mode. These mode helps to avoid flushing of unwanted data in log files.

Handling of Dynamic Elements
In some web applications, some locations of elements are dynamic, thus it becomes difficult to automate them. As and when UI changes, one has to spent significant effort in changing the test scripts. TestOptimizer can handle dynamic elements with ease to give more reliable automation and one need not to worry about changing testcases (or actions) even if UI changes often. It can also handles application developed using AJAX, GWT, etc.

Handle Drag and drop & Range Slider
TestOptimizer helps to automate Complex features like Drag & Drop or Range Slider actions with single click and one single statement. These Components are often used in lots of web application which helps in moving items to one place to another or select range of data.

Hybrid Framework
TestOptimizer developed using hybrid design approach that supports both data-driven and keyword-driven automation methodologies. One can provide data at the time of execution, like, checking login functionality with various user-ids and passwords.